We want to be sure we have the most up-to-date information to provide to our visitors for 2024. We are prepping our latest and greatest travel guide now- the time has come to log in or reach out to us to update your accounts and listings.
You can update your printed travel guide listing in one of 2 easy ways. If you have any issues please reach out to me at lmh@scva.net.
- Login to your members only extranet account. (If you no longer have the credentials you can reset the information or reach out to me directly)
- Utilize our simple web submission form
DO YOU HAVE EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR 2024? We want to put them in the guide from day 1 of 2024. Please send events scheduled for 2024 to Isabel at ijb@scva.net.
PLEASE NOTE: Only send events that are solidified as once the guide is printed there is no recalling the information.